The Delegation of PKU Dongfang Scholarship Pays a Visit to IPRCC

On the morning of 16 May 2024, Professor Xia Qingjie at the School of Economics of Peking University and Director of Center for Human & Economic Studies, led the delegation of Peking University’s Dongfang Scholarship programme to visit the International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC). Mr. Liu Junwen, Director General of IPRCC, and Ms. Li Xin, Deputy Director General of IPRCC received the delegation. Ms. Li Xin introduced China’s poverty reduction policies and experiences, as well as IPRCC’s international cooperation on poverty reduction to the 50 plus participants from more than 50 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the South Pacific region. Active exchanges on effective poverty reduction policies and practices were followed after Ms. Li Xin’s presentation. The participants responded actively to the introduction and discussed China’s experiences and issues related to poverty reduction in their respective countries.

Officials of Foreign Affairs Division and Research Division of IPRCC also attended the meeting.