IPRCC Director General Liu Junwen met with the delegation of the Senate Standing Committee on Poverty and Inequality Reduction of Thailand

On the morning of 10 May 2024, Mr. Liu Junwen, Director General of the International Poverty Reduction Centre in China (IPRCC), met with the delegation of the Senate Standing Committee on Poverty and Inequality Reduction of Thailand, led by Chairman Dr. Sungsidh Piriyarangsan. 

Director General Liu Junwen introduced to the delegation China’s achievements and experience in poverty alleviation. The two sides also had in-depth exchanges on topics of interest to the Thai side, such as China’s efforts in dynamic monitoring of trends indicating a return to poverty, overcoming the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on poverty reduction, and China-Thailand cooperation in poverty alleviation.

Chairman Sungsidh Piriyarangsan thanked IPRCC for its warm reception and said that this exchange activity has further deepened the Thai side’s understanding of China’s poverty reduction policies and measures, and it is hoped that the Thai side will further strengthen its exchanges and cooperation with China in the field of poverty reduction and rural development in the future, and further learn from China’s successful poverty reduction experiences.

Ms. Jie Ping, Deputy Director General of IPRCC, officials of Foreign Affairs Division, International Exchange Division and Research Division of IPRCC also attended the meeting.