Rural Development Briefing | No. 37, 2023 (Sep 11 -Sep 17, 2023)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized three provinces and one city to crack down on illegal fishing raids. In order to implement the  requirements of thsi year’s No. 1 Central Document on the strict implementation of closed fishing season, and ensure the implementation of the newly adjusted national system of closed fishing season, from September 10 to 11, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs deployed the fishery law enforcement forces of three provinces and one city in the East China Sea, and carried out joint law enforcement actions on the three fronts at 35 degrees north latitude, central Zhejiang sea area, and 26 degrees and 30 minutes north latitude.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Sep. 12, 2023

The Ministry of Civil Affairs announced that by the end of June, the national urban and rural subsistence allowances had increased by 4.8 percent and 8.5 percent from the same period last year. The State Council Information Office held a series of themed press conferences on the 12th, Liu Xitang, director of the Social Assistance Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, said at the meeting that in recent years, civil affairs departments have worked with relevant departments to further improve social assistance systems such as subsistence allowances, strengthen low-income population dynamic monitoring and regular assistance and assistance. We will accelerate the formation of a comprehensive, stratified, comprehensive and efficient pattern of social assistance, and promote the high-quality development of social assistance.

Source: China News Network Sep. 12, 2023

We need to standardize pig slaughter and promote high-quality development of the industry. On September 12th, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the Quality Management Standards for Pig Slaughtering, which is the first quality management standard in the field of livestock and poultry slaughter in China. Recently, the head of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs answered questions from reporters regarding the relevant content of the Standards. First, highlight the entire process management, and strengthen the quality management of the entire process from pig entering the factory to product leaving the factory. Second, highlight the implementation of responsibilities, and consolidate the main responsibility for quality and safety of relevant enterprises. Third, highlight the improvement of level, clarify the requirements for the functional layout, facilities and equipment, production processes, and operational management of designated pig slaughterhouses, and accelerate industry transformation and upgrading.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Sep. 15, 2023

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs deployed and arranged agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation work during the period of harvesting, planting and sowing in autumn. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued a notice, requiring all localities to earnestly implement the spirit of Xi Jinping’s important instructions on disaster prevention and relief, in accordance with the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, improve political standing, strengthen organizational leadership, and take agricultural disaster prevention and reduction work during the period of harvesting, planting and sowing in autumn as an important task of current agriculture, rural work, and implement various work measures. It is necessary to strengthen monitoring and dispatching, accurate early warning and response, and implement measures for the management of disaster-resistant autumn grain fields to ensure safety and maturity.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Sep. 15, 2023

Huai'an has strengthened its industrial support with abundant planting resources and is striving to promote comprehensive rural revitalization. Since 2022, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province has adhered to the principle that industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization, with industrial prosperity as the basic support and common prosperity as the fundamental pursuit, striving to promote comprehensive rural revitalization. First, focus on strengthening agriculture through industry, accumulating momentum through the industrial chain, cultivating excellence through brand cultivation, and breaking through momentum through transformation and upgrading. Second, focus on carriers to assist agriculture and store more momentum for rural revitalization. Third, focus on promoting income growth, consolidate connections to promote income growth, gather industries to promote income growth, and utilize to promote income growth.

Source: General Affairs Department Sept. 11, 2023

The integrated development of Henan Lankao promotes the common beauty of urban and rural areas, and creates a livable and suitable industry and a beautiful countryside. First, the scientific plan, strengthen the top-level design, in accordance with the principle of suburban integration, cluster enhancement, characteristic protection, renovation and improvement, relocation and withdrawal, 463 administrative villages were classified, and 228 villages in the demonstration zone were planned and designed. In accordance with the principle of one household, one policy and one courtyard, one landscape, the county has built One House into Four Gardens for 13,000 households. Second, adapt to local conditions and create unique features. We will accelerate the construction of the Lan-Holland high-speed railway and the Yang-Huang, Lan-yuan and Lan-Shen expressways, and strengthen connectivity with other counties. Third, integrate urban and rural areas and promote service sharing. Fourth, make efforts to improve the living environment.

Source: General Affairs Department Sept. 11, 2023

Jilin Province implemented 14 measures to promote the healthy and stable development of the beef cattle industry. Recently, Jilin Province issued the Fourteen Measures for Dealing with Price Fluctuations in the Beef Cattle Market and Promoting Industrial Stability and Development, which covers multiple aspects such as improved breed breeding, financial policies, and capacity protection. It is of great significance for guiding the healthy and stable development of the beef cattle industry in the province. We need to accelerate the implementation of policy funds and policies that benefit enterprises, especially the subsidy funds from the provincial government in 2021 and 2022, to ensure that they are fully replenished. At the same time, it is necessary to implement the newly introduced policy measures, and increase support for the introduction and expansion of basic cows, as well as the system of beef cattle breeding. 

Source: Changchun Daily Sept. 11, 2023

In the first seven months, Xinjiang distributed CNY 34.85 billion of financial subsidies benefiting the people and farmers. In the first seven months, Xinjiang directly distributed 28 financial subsidy funds for the benefit of the people and farmers to the social security cards of the subsidy recipients through the One Card distribution management information system, with a total distribution of CNY 34.853 billion, benefiting 4.4655 million people. From the perspective of subsidy projects, the top financial subsidy funds for benefiting the people and farmers in Xinjiang in the first seven months were as follows. The amount of assistance and subsidies for people in need is CNY 4.185 billion, accounting for 12% of the total amount distributed in Xinjiang, benefiting 1.5975 million people. The subsidy fund for farmland and land conservation is CNY 2.955 billion, accounting for 8.48% of the total amount distributed in Xinjiang, benefiting 1.1592 million people. The reward and subsidy fund for grassland ecological protection is CNY 1.985 billion, accounting for 5.7% of the total distribution in Xinjiang, benefiting 277.1 thousand people.

Source: Xinjiang Daily Sept. 11, 2023Hainan Province established an agricultural brand catalog system. Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the Agricultural Brand Catalog System of Hainan Province. Hainan Province will be agricultural brands divided into product categories, the origin of the region to implement dynamic management, and an annual call for the release of the Hainan Province Agricultural Brand Catalog, valid for three years. Catalog System puts forward the application for inclusion in the catalog of agricultural products regional public brands, agribusiness brands, agricultural brands should have the basic conditions, and the establishment of Hainan Province, agricultural brand catalog exit mechanism, the existence of branded products production and management of major problems, the suspension of production for more than one year. Withdrawal from the catalog of the brand should be open to the community, and shall not be declared again within three years. 

Source: Hainan Daily Sept. 11, 2023Hainan Province held for the first time in the Smart Agriculture Development Conference. Hainan Province held for the first time the smart agriculture development conference. The conference aims to further promote the construction of smart agriculture and the development of digital countryside, and promote the digital transformation of the entire agricultural industry chain. The conference was organized by the Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Provincial Big Data Administration. Deputy chief engineer and researcher of the Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, shared practical cases of smart agriculture construction in China. Associate researcher of the National Agricultural Informatization Engineering and Technology Research Center, shared the first case of unmanned vegetable farm construction in China.

Source: Hainan Daily Sept. 12, 2023Hunan Province issued 27 financial support measures to promote rural revitalization. Hunan Branch of the People's Bank of China, Hunan Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, Hunan Securities Regulatory Bureau, Hunan Provincial Department of Finance, Hunan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Hunan Provincial Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau jointly issued the Hunan Financial Support for Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating the Construction of Strong Agricultural Provinces Implementation Program to implement 27 specific measures from nine aspects to promote rural revitalization and accelerate the construction of strong agricultural provinces. The implementation plan emphasizes that financial institutions should focus on the upgraded version of Hunan's high-quality grain and oil project, help build a diversified food supply system and diversified loan repayment channels, and enhance the comprehensive production capacity of farmland.

Source: Huasheng Online Sept. 12, 2023Yushu createsa new model of health poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. Qinghai Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Health Commission focuses on township health centers, and village health rooms to explore the establishment of special supervisors to help the work mechanism. The whole system coordinated the establishment of the state health commission’s main responsible comrade as the leader of a general group of supervisors to help, divided into 50 groups, focusing on the implementation of the responsibility and the implementation of the standardization of the construction of rural medical institutions in the implementation of 8 aspects of the work, the cumulative state county and township health care institutions to draw the professional backbone of more than 200 people to the most efficient and effective way. More than 200 people have been mobilized to consolidate the solid foundation of the health care system for poverty alleviation with the most efficient and effective working mode.

Source: Qinghai Daily Sept. 15, 2023Shaanxi Province is carrying out the action of introducing 1,000 enterprises to 1,000 villages in poverty-stricken areas. Shaanxi Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau and the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the Guiding Opinions on the Action of Introducing Thousands of Enterprises to Thousands of Villages in Poverty-Reducing Areas. The Opinion pointed out that the action will be in accordance with the enterprise as the leader, industry as the basis, the collective economy as the basis, farmers as the main idea, the implementation of the introduction of enterprises into the village and the combination of services, a single attraction and the chain of attraction combination of government attraction and the parties to attract the linkage of attraction, attraction of investment and attraction of talent and intelligence combination of modes, the formation of enterprises, the village collectives, the base of the villagers’ linkage of the development of the pattern, the realization of the village, the enterprise, the people of the three parties to achieve the goal of a win-win situation. 

Source: Shaanxi Daily Sept. 15, 2023Tianjin ecological assistance to help Gansu Province’sgreen development. Tianjin implements the Party Central Committee, the State Council decision-making and deployment, and practices the concept of green mountains is golden silver mountain, the eastern advanced ecological and environmental protection concepts, technologies, talents, enterprises, etc. and east-west collaboration work, help Gansu Province to consolidate the awareness of the green mountains, promote the ecological revitalization of the countryside, and promote the revitalization of rural areas, a new way. First, to strengthen ecological project help, change the concept of east-west collaboration. The second is to build an ecological rich forest, and change the face of sandy loess. Third, develop efficient agriculture, transform farming methods and drive industrial development. Fourth, promote the revitalization of rural ecology, transforming the rural dirty environment. Improve the governance mechanism. 

Source: National Poverty Alleviation Publicity and Education Center Sept. 15, 2023Dali booststhe development of the new village-level collective economy. Dali Prefecture implementation of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council decision-making and deployment, the development and expansion of the new village-level collective economy as the strengthening of grass-roots organizations, consolidate the foundation of governance, the realization of the overall revitalization of the countryside as a focus point, out of a new path of development of the village-level collective economy. Dali’s operating income of more than CNY 50,000 of village collective 1107, accounting for 99.7%, operating income of more than CNY 100,000 of village collective 696, accounting for 62.7%. First, adhere to the planning. Second, adhere to a village policy, according to local conditions to grasp the combination. Third, adhere to the group development, and focus on the project. Fourth, adhere to the integration of resources, up and down linkage to grasp the development. Fifth, adhere to the common building and sharing, play a role in grasping the benefits, and improve the mass participation mechanism.

Source: National Poverty Alleviation Publicity and Education Center Sept.15, 2023

Sponsor: International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC)

Organiser: School of Sociology, Central China Normal University

Contact: Yao Yuan 010-84419871